Press Coverage – Germany

Episode 1 – Toxic Tantra: Yoga for Beginners

(Episode 1 – Toxic Tantra: Yoga für Anfänger)

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 2 – Toxic Tantra: Holy Guru

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 3 – Toxic Tantra: Shakti State

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 4 – Toxic Tantra: Lucky Love

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 5 – Toxic Tantra: In der Falle

(Episode 5 – Toxic Tantra: In the Trap)

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 6 – Toxic Tantra: Initiation

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 7 – Toxic Tantra: Teure Kräuter

(Episode 7 – Toxic Tantra: Expensive Herbs)

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 8 – Toxic Tantra: Therapie

(Episode 8 – Toxic Tantra: Therapy)

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Episode 9 – Toxic Tantra: Update

BR Podcast – 23.04.2024

Dangerous cults – In the clutches of Scientology and healers

(Gefährliche Kulte – In den Fängen von Scientology und Wunderheilern)

NTV DE – 23.07.2017

Yoga – Lifestyle or counselling?

(Yoga – Lifestyle oder Lebenshilfe?)

Stationen BR TV DE – 11.07.2018