Natha Yoga Center

77, Vadstrupvej, Bagsværd, Gladsaxe kommun, Region Hovedstaden, 2880, Danmark

41C, Spjellerupvej, Store Torøje, Faxe kommun, Region Själland, 4640, Danmark

95, Mejlgade, Nørrestenbro, Aarhus Ø, Århus, Århus kommun, Region Mittjylland, 8000, Danmark

230, Nordre Fasanvej, Nørrebro, Köpenhamn, Köpenhamns kommun, Capital Region of Denmark, 2200, Danmark

“You’ve got like three sources of income. You have what people to pay to participate in the courses and similar things, isn’t it? And you have the people that go out and work, among others that with the tantra massage, and then you have to third – the public support. Because Natha is on public support.”
Karsten, Former Natha Denmark Student

Natha Yogacenter as an organization was registered in Denmark 2005, at the address of Nordre Fasanvej 230, st. 2200 København N. It is one of the oldest branches within the ATMAN – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation.

To see all the branches in the Atman Yoga Federation, please see the map.

The leader of the Natha Yogacenter and the director of ATMAN, Mihai Ian Stoian, also known as Paul Diamond (his porn star pseudonym), has together with his wife Adian Stoian (alias Claire Diamond) performed in two of the MISA porn movies – “Magic Passage” and “Ecstasy Water 2”. He also calls himself Advaita or Advaitananda and oversees the yoga and tantra and teacher training courses at Paradise Retreat Center in Denmark.

Students within the federation have also participated in porn movies, some of
which focus on urine practices, a tenet of the ATMAN/MISA ideology. Some of the teacher training graduates are currently working at adult websites as a form of “karma yoga” (volunteering). Tantra massage courses are run in Denmark, after which female students of ATMAN are sometimes recruited to work in the ‘temple’, run as cash businesses, paying workers cash in hand and below the legal minimum wage.

Human Trafficking

Mihai Stoian is one of the oldest disciples of Gregorian Bivolaru, the founder of the ATMAN, also known as MISA. Bivolaru is currently wanted for human trafficking in Finland. His connection to Natha Yogacenter can be seen on its website. He is currently in hiding and is still very active in controlling the organization.

Women are sent from different branches all over Europe to have sex with the guru, including from Natha Yogacenter in Denmark. They are required to not tell anyone where they are going. Their phones, passport and credit cards are confiscated while they live under prison-like conditions; able to leave once a week in a group, and allowed only to call close relatives on a ‘community cellphone’ in the presence of witnesses.

Gregorian Bivolaru and Mihai Stoian
Left: Griegorian Bivolaru. Right: Mihai Stoian

The Danish Documentary

Sekten? Part 1

Sekten? Part 2

Image from IMDB

Danmark ifølge Bubber (Denmark according to Bubber) is a Danish documentary series shown on TV 2 , where Bubber as host explored different cultures in Denmark. In episode 7, named Sekten? (Cult?), released in May 2013, Bubber wanted to film Natha YogaCenter in Denmark from within initially, but when the school wanted to keep editorial rights for the interview, a term that the Bubber couldn’t agree to, interviews were conducted with the school’s former members instead.

Each year people try to break out from a cult, cults to which they were tied for years. Natha Yoga is seemingly a quite ordinary yoga center in Copenhagen, but they were accused of being a cult which sexually exploits young girls..”

“Grieg says no baby”

One of former members were Celia, who were in the school for seven years and was a part of the inner circle. Celia felt right at home when she entered the school and became more and more fascinated by the spiritual environment. After two years, she moved into a Natha community, a so called Ashram. Slowly, she became isolated from both her family and the outside world.

It was an old hippie community which was bought by this yoga school by private means, for which the students paid themselves. And then I moved there, and when you do that, then you somehow enter the inner circle. Because then you are very close up, and there it started, that I became more and more involved because I was living together with like-minded people, and I slowly lost interest for the outside world.

Sexuality is a big part of the school doctrine, and the members surrendered their sexuality to the school in promise of spiritual growth. Celia and other members in the community had multiple sex partners at the same time. There are beauty contests for women held every year where women compete naked in striptease, a measure supposedly for their spiritual growth.

Footage from Miss Shakti Contest

Women were picked out by Bivolaru through naked pictures and sent to France to have sex with him. Celia was one of the many stayed in an apartment at the same time, there were no clocks, all windows were blacked out, they weren’t allowed to go out and only waited for their turn to be “called” to have sex with him.

If you view it from inside this fantastic system, he is the tantric master and he can teach you something as women, abut sexuality. And others will say, just go to bed with him.

Celia gave up her law study and became Mihai’s personal assistant, a position through which Celia gained huge insight into what was going on in the inner circle of Natha. She claims that there was much control and monitoring of its members. Mihai was involved in all decision making process, even down to who should sleep in which bed and what color to paint in someone’s room.

When Celia became pregnant, she was called to a conversation with Mihai who told her to not have the baby, claiming it to be Satan’s will to lead her from the her spiritual path within the school. Later on, Celia received an text message saying “Grieg says no baby”.

At the moment I heard him say that I should have an abortion, everything fell apart, because I realized that he was a a cheat and impersonator. He is not healthy. He doesn’t know who I am. He can’t feel what other people can’t feel, he has no special supernatural powers or clairvoyance or anything.

Systematised Sex Work

Another former members of NathaYoga Denmark is Kim, who was in school for seven year and was close to the inner circle. Kim says that he got pulled in deeper and deeper out of curiosity.

When someone tells you, that you can achieve certain states of consciousness, it’s all revolving personal liberation, and if you are told, that by doing some particular actions you become more spiritual, then you do it, don’t you?

Kim rented out his farm to NathaYoga Denmark to host its summer camps and retreats with hundreds of the people sleeping over at the property. Kim claims that over the year Mihai started to make decisions without him, a power struggle followed and lead to that Kim got thrown out from his own property. It took four years in the court before Kim was able to move back in.

Kim reveals that NathaYoga Denmark has made many pornographic movies, one of which was filmed on his property in his absence. The actors comprises entirely from the teachers and students from the school, with drinking urine as a common practice displayed in many of the scenes.

Well, at some point Mihai expressed his opinions on it, saying they were educational videos. The motivation has been, that they had to somehow evolve spiritually.

It is also revealed that the school members earn money through sex chat on adult websites and through massage parlors, the so called “tantra temples”, with most of the money going back to the school as a form of volunteering work.

Grieg said, that especially tantra massage is one o f the fastest ways through which a woman can develop. She could burn a lot of karma and she could reach a very high spiritual level by doing that